Main / Our projects / Construction of Substation 110/35/10 kV CGP-Sever of Novy Port oil-and-gas condensate field for Gazpromneft-Yamal ООО (Ltd.)
The project documentation determines the construction of Substation 110/35/10 kV CGP-Sever, of overhead double-circuit HV-line 110 kV of total length equal to 26 646 km.
Engineering and package supply:
Cabling products
Steel structures
Materials for electrical installation works
The Customer: Elektrouralmontazh АО (JSC) under contract with Gazpromneft -Yamal OOO (JSC)
Commencement of delivery: August, 2019
Completion of delivery: December,2019
Amount of contract: RUB 12 million.
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